In a nutshell: we keep the Sabbath, we wear tzitzit, keep the Moedim and follow the dietary instructions of our Creator. We are a home based fellowship and we meet on the Sabbath as an assembly in one of our homes. We keep the Moedim (the appointed time’s, His Feast’s and Festival’s) as best we can, according to scripture. We eat Biblically clean foods, according to Leviticus 11, Leviticus 23, Numbers 15.
We want the Ruach Hachodesh (Holy Spirit) to be the life of our gathering, and our walk with our Heavenly Father. As much as possible, we try to follow the example of the first-century Assembly, as they received their methods from Yahshua Himself and the people whom He taught. The Assembly is the physical representation of Yah’s kingdom on Earth. Since the disciples did things that would further His Kingdom, that is what we seek to do as well.
In order for the kingdom of Yah to spread, three things must happen. First, we must live in the presence of others as Yahshua Himself lived (Matthew 5:13-16). Second, we must proclaim His message (Mark 16:15). Third, we must be kind and loving to everyone (Matthew 25:31-45). This does not mean that we agree with everything they believe, to the contrary, we stand on our beliefs and the Scriptures are our foundation. Keeping His commandments identifies our love for Yahweh and love for our neighbor as yourself.
All three of these things are strategies to bring the Kingdom of Yahweh to Earth as His representatives. As a congregation, we strive to do these things through endeavors of evangelism, everyday kindness, generosity, organized efforts to benefit the community and being mindful of how we act and what we say, both in terms of the example we set and how our actions will affect others and either bring glory or shame to the name of Yahshua. This is an effort that we all make together and as individuals.
Since the plan that Yah has for us on a daily basis, throughout our lives and throughout the history of His people can often be un-rightly neglected by us in place of liturgy and human tradition, we try to keep our meetings open to His leading.
We know that the early Assembly met in homes (Acts 5:42, Romans 16:5, I Corinthians 16:9, Colossians 4:15). There are two major advantages to this: First, one does not have to worry about building funds. All of that money can go to other necessary activities like spreading the gospel, caring for the poor, etc. Second, meeting in a home opens up more room for contribution and growing together as a family. This solves the whole “I’m not getting fellowship at Church” problem, but it also challenges people to love each other more deeply, as it fosters actual relationships, which can sometimes be messy but are definitely worth their while.
We know that in the early Assembly preeminence was had by Yahshua alone. No one was an “expert” in theology or faith. No one had a degree in anything to do with the Bible, except those who were educated in Judaism, and even they were humble concerning their experience and authority. They were all helping each other in the Narrow Way. There were “pastors” and “elders” and “deacons” and “bishops” and “teachers” etc., but these were older brothers in Messiah, and stewards of the flock, not masters whom one had to agree with. Each person was to contribute so that the whole body of Messiah could be edified, and no part of the body was more significant than the other parts (I Corinthians 12:20-31, 14:26).
We know that the early Assembly was not too big on liturgy (Matthew 6:7), but they did participate in a few activities which we carry on to the best of our ability; “…they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42). They also sang Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16). Finally, they gathered in the synagogue on the Sabbath to hear the Torah (Acts 15:21) (For more information on this last point, see our page: “The Torah”). Our goal is to incorporate all of these elements into our meetings: reading the Scriptures, prayer, singing, eating together, and fellowship, while allowing Yah to have His way in us through each of these practices.
The early Assembly met every day (Acts 2:46-47, 5:42). We can certainly fellowship casually with believers who cross our paths on a daily basis. We meet formally on the Sabbath and the Appointed times, as these are commanded by scripture as “holy convocations” (Leviticus 23:2-3). It is a joy and a refreshment to fellowship with other brothers and sisters, not a chore.
Our goal is to model Yahshua in a world that needs His example and that of His people now more than ever, to have a relationship with our Father, and to spread His message and His love throughout the world, and encourage and edify each other in unity as His people. That is, in brief, what we do as a congregation.
Shalom ve Chein (Peace and Grace)!